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Do you follow the 80/20 rule for social media posts? 80% of what you post should be educational, entertaining or something of value for your audience. Only 20% of your posts should be self-promotional.

Posts that are not about your business tend to get more engagement, which helps your content reach. It also helps ensure you retain your followers since you aren't constantly promoting your business.

Here are a few ideas of types of posts you can create or share that are not self-promotional.

  • Photos: People love pictures! If your business hosts, sponsors or participates in an event, be sure to take lots of photos and then post those to social media. Tag people or businesses in the photos, if possible.
  • Events: Share info on upcoming community events or industry-specific webinars or conferences that may be relevant to your followers.
  • Articles: Share articles or resources you think may be helpful to your audience.
  • How to: Share do-it-yourself tips or advice related to the products/services you provide.
  • Interactive posts: Memes, graphics or text posts that require a response tend to get a lot of engagement.
  • Holiday posts: Graphics for major holidays and random national holidays are typically interactive and fun (i.e. today is "Take Your Houseplant for a Walk Day"). Include a question in the post to get people to comment.

If someone comments on your post, reply back to them as your business. The more comments on the post, the more the content will continue to appear in newsfeeds expanding your reach.

Need help with ideas of social posts relevant to your audience? Give me a call. I'm happy to brainstorm with you.


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