Posts Tagged ‘COVID-19’
Welcome Back, Terrell
Just a few weeks ago, Governor Abbott issued an executive order to begin reopening Texas. During Phase 1, restaurants, retailers, malls, theaters, museums and libraries could reopen at 25% capacity. Within a week, salons, barber shops and tanning salons were added to that list. Now we’ve entered Phase 2, which allows gyms, day care facilities,…
Read MoreSmall Businesses Continue to Fight to Survive COVID-19
Small businesses are the lifeline of our community. We like to constantly reiterate that 68 cents of every dollar spent in Terrell stays in Terrell. It’s a cyclical pattern – you spend your money at a local restaurant, they pay their employees who live in Terrell, those employees spend their money at the local grocery…
Read MoreSurviving COVID-19: Advice for Local Businesses
What a whirlwind the last few weeks has been for our nation. We are all faced with unprecedented challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We at the Chamber of Commerce have been in touch with many of our members and know first-hand they are all trying to figure out how to navigate through this. We…
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